Desi Cow’s Agriculture Benefits

Desi Cow – Indian Breeds of Cows are called as Gaumatha, Kamadhenu, Lakshmi etc., by the people living in the Great Bharath.  We consider Desi Cow as our Mother and worship the same.

Why it is so important to us?

 Desi Cow gives us the entire requirement of our farming activities in Agriculture.  It helps us in transportation of our goods.  It works in our agricultural lands.  Thus the food we consume is because of the help of this mother cow.  It gives us the medicine for our health.  It saves the crop from pest, insect and fungi.  Finally it becomes a part of our family.

For giving all the above; what we are giving.  We are giving all the unwanted items for humans such as grass, stray etc, after taking the oil from cotton seeds, ground nuts, coconut and the remaining thing is given to the cow.

In case this is not required for cow, for human being it is a waste and in fact we have to spend money to dispose this.  Thus an environment recycle is done with the help of cow.

Benefits of Desi Cow Milk and Ghee

  •  As per Ayurvedic tradition, Cow Ghee helps in the growth and development of Children’s brain
  • Regular consumption increases good (HDL) cholesterol (and not bad LDL cholesterol)
  • Stimulates digestion and aids absorption of fat soluble vitamins
  • An excellent all round anti-ageing vegetarian food & external applicant on the skin
  • Desi Cow milk is like nectar, because it has amino acids which make its protein easily digestible
  • It is good for kidney
  • It is a rich source of Vitamins like B2, B3 and A which help increasing immunity
  • Cow Milk helps in reducing acidity, (a common problem today)
  • Reduces chances of peptic ulcer
  • Helps in reducing chances of colon, breast and skin cancer
  • Desi Cow milk prevents the formation of serum cholesterol
  • It is one of the best natural anti-oxidants
  • After mother’s milk, it is only the cow’s milk which gives energy and full protection and is    Digestible

Contents of Cows Milk

100gms of Cows Milk contains:

  • Phosphorous 0.93 gms -> Energy release for metabolic activity and physical activity
  • Calcium 1.20gm -> Healthy bones and Teeth
  • Iron 0.002 gm ->
  • Magnesium -> for muscle function and elements Vanadium, chromium, tin, aluminum, abhrak and sisa.
  • It has 25 types of minerals and Vitamins as:
  • Vitamin B12 – for production of healthy cells
  • Vitamin A – for good eyesight and immune function
  • Zinc – for immune function
  • Riboflavin – for healthy skin
  • Folate – for production of healthy cells
  • Vitamin C – for formation of healthy connective tissues
  • Iodine – for regulation of the body’s rate of metabolism

Manure or cow dung as called in India, finds its use in various places in traditional Indian culture. Manure is known in many Indian languages as go-var; go meaning cow and var meaning boon. It indicates how much the traditional Indians revered this excrement. Even the sacred texts of India, the vedas, which condemn all forms of excrement’s as abominable, hail cow dung as all auspicious. So much so that one finds is use in many sacred ceremonies and worship. So what’s so special about cow dung?

From a pure utility perspective, cow dung is one of the best forms of natural fertilizer. Application of cow dung for soil enrichment is an age old agricultural practice which was lost post introduction of chemical fertilizers. With rising demand for chemical free food and growing acceptance of organic farming, cow dung forms a very important link in chemical free farming.

Another growing trend is the use of cow dung in producing biogas, a cheap alternative source of energy that can be used as a fuel for cooking or to even produce electricity. Researchers at Hewlett Packard Co.’s HP Labs have found ways to power their data servers using cow manure. So its not just milk and food, but cows can even help us power our laptops and ipods!

Cow dung plasters are commonly found in many Indian homes. Cow dung, also hailed for its anti-bacterial properties, is the best natural disinfectant. In any typical Indian village it not uncommon to find the entire floor of the house coated with some fresh cow dung paste. Cow dung mixed with lime is also used to coat the walls of cob houses. Recent research findings from independent groups in University of Bristol and Sage college in Troy, NY, show cow dung to be an excellent mood enhancing agent. Cow dung contains a bacteria Mycobacterium vaccae, which activates a group of neurons in the brain that produce serotonin – a neurotransmitter that contributes to feelings of well being and happiness. So the next time you’re feeling depressed try walking into a cow barn and get a lungful of the fresh fragrance of cow dung.

We, at the Go Desi – GIR Cow farm follow superior standards in making a product that is pure and naturally produced. We strongly proclaim that we DO NOT use any hazardous chemicals to our cattle. We strive to deliver the goodness of milk in its best natural state. Also, our GIR Breed of cattle are highly disease resistant and are able to produce high quality milk.

We are one of the very few natural “GIR COW A2 PURE RAW MILK” producers in Hyderabad. For ordering this pure desi Gir cow A2 milk you can call/ whatsapp at: +91-9573900667 / +91-7207887740 /+91-9000008303. For more info contact us.


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