How to use Gomutra?

Gomutra can be used in the following ways as a spiritual healing remedy.

Direct Application:

    Directly applying concentrated Gomutra on an affected body part. Drinking a few cc of Gomutra is also recommended as a means for spiritual healing.

Diluting it in water:

    After putting a few cc of Gomutra in water, it can be sprinkled around the house to spiritually purify the premises. Alternatively, after adding a small amount of Gomutra in a bucketful of water, it can be used to have a bath. Below is a subtle diagram of the mechanism of action ofGomutra when used in bath water. It has been drawn by Mrs. Yoya Vallee, a seeker with advanced sixth sense of vision, and has been checked by His Holiness Dr. Jayant Athavale.
Table – Chemical contents of cow urine and cure of diseases as per them. Yes Cow Urine (Gomutra) Benefits are there. Check the science behind this with given below table.
S. No.     Name of chemical     Effect of chemical on diseases
1     Nitrogen N2 ,NH2     Removes blood abnormalities and toxins, Natural stimulant of urinary track, activates kidneys and it is diuretic.
2     Sulphur S     Supports motion in large intestines. Cleanses blood.
3     Ammonia NH3     Stabilise bile, mucous and air of body. Stabilises blood formation.
4     Copper Cu     Controls built up of unwanted fats
5     Iron Fe     Maintains balance and helps in production of red blood cells & haemoglobin. Stabilises working power.
6     Urea CO(NH2)2     Removes blood abnormalities and toxins, Natural stimulant of urinary track, activates kidneys and it is diuretic.
7     Uric Acid C5H4N4O3     Removes heart swelling or inflammation. It is diuretic therefore destroys toxins.
8     Phosphate P     Helps in removing stones from urinary track.
9     Sodium Na     Purifies blood. Antacid
10     Potassium K     Cures hereditary rheumatism. Increases appetite. Removes muscular weakness and laziness.
11     Manganese Mn     Germicidal, stops growth of germs, protects decay due to gangrene.
12     Carbolic Acid HCOOH     Germicidal, stops growth of germs and decay due to gangrene.
13     Calcium Ca     Blood purifier, bone stregthener, germicidal, ?? Rakta skandak ??
14     Salt NaCl     Sanyas vishamta ?? decreases acidic contents of blood, germicidal
15     Vitamins A,B,C,D,E     Vitamin B is active ingredient for energetic life and saves from nervousness and thirst, strengthens bones and reproductive ingredient for energetic life and saves from nervousness and thirst, strengthens bones and reproductive power.
16     Other Minerals     Increase immunity
17     Lactose C6H12O6     Gives satisfaction. Strengthens Mouth, strengths heart, removes thirst and nervousness.
18     Enzymes     Make healthy digestive juices, increase immunity.
19     Water (H2O)     It is life giver. Maintains fluidity of blood, maintains body temperature.
20     Hipuric Acid CgNgNox     Removes toxins through urine.
21     Creatinin C4HgN2O2     Germicidal.
22     Aurum Hydroxide AuOH     It is germicidal and increases immunity power. It is highly antibiotic and anti-toxic

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