Kindly share us your Google location, home address like plot number or flat number for ordering GoDesi Farm Fresh A2 Milk. Send address details through WhatsApp to 9573900667.or email us to [email protected].
We will deliver the GoDesi milk Products as soon as possible from the order time.
Click here for payment details. Paynow
GoDesi Prepaid Plan
We have month-wise Prepaid Billing plans based upon number of liters delivered. Upon Subscription, we will deliver the milk in minimum of One liter Format.
GoDesi Milk Prepaid Subscription Plans:
- Trial: 1 Day ( 1 Liter) – Rs 120 or 3 Days (3 Liters Total) – Rs. 360/-
- Monthly – Alternate days: 15 Days (15 Liters Total) – Rs. 1800/-
- Monthly – Daily: 30 Days (30 Liters Total) – Rs. 3600/-
*** You can also order/subscribe daily more than 1 liter. The cost would be no. of liters of Milk multiply by Rs 120/- ( No. of liters X 120/- )
Note: If you would like to pause your subscription for a day/ few days due to Travel/Vacation or if we have not delivered milk due to reasons such as storm, flood, road strikes, accidents, national holidays, etc- the total value in rupees of the products for which we have not delivered/received will be subtracted from the total and carry forward and added in your next month’s bill
Customers can pay through cash, bank transfer or PayTM/Gpay/Phonepay. Click here for payment details. Paynow
For all your Queries, kindly go through our frequently asked questions..