Dr. J. RAJU Ph.D. Scholar Animal Nutrition PVNR Telangana Veterinary University

• In September 2007 Keith Woodford’s book. – NZ
• The story starts with the remarkable epidemiological evidence demonstrating the strong association between countries that have a high intake of A1 milk and a high incidence of both type 1 diabetes and heart disease.
What Is A2 Beta-Casein?
• About 39% of the protein in cows’ milk is beta-casein
• Transports essential minerals and nutrients such as calcium and phosphorous
• There are genetic variants of beta casein; A1 and A2, with minor variants either classed as A1 or A2-like.
• When digested beta casein can produce a range fragments with well characterized biological activity

A2 is the Original type of Bovine Beta Casein
• A2 is recognised as being the original or ancestor beta casein gene in modern cattle.
• Originally all domesticated cows produced milk containing only the A2 type of beta casein, owing to natural genetic mutation, a variant of the A2 protein appeared.
• Termed A1, it differs very slightly in composition from the original A2 protein

Difference in Structure and Digestion of A2 vs. A1

The effects on human health of this tiny protein fragment called betacasomorphin-7 (BCM7) which is a powerful opioid or narcotic as well as being an oxidant
Problems with A1..?
• Type 1 diabetes
• Leaky gut syndrome
• Heart diseases
• Others
A1 Beta casein and BCM -7 Production and Potential Absorbtion

Recent research on BCM-7
Previously studies established that:
• Digestion of A1 but not A2 produces protein fragment beta casomorphin-7 (BCM-7)
• BCM-7 binds opiate receptors and has the potential to interact with a range of tissues
• Precursor protein A1 is linked to a range of negative health outcomes
• Recent clinical trials report BCM-7 production to physiologically relevant levels in the gut of healthy adult humans. (Boutrou et al, 2013)
• A correlation between BCM-7 levels with delayed psychomotor function in formula fed human infants has been reported (Kost et al, 2009)
• Serum BCM-7 has also been linked to the compromise of breathing in infants fed A1 containing formula (Wasilewska et al, 2011) .
• A mechanism by which BCM-7 leads to oxidative stress and cell dysfunction has subsequently been demonstrated (Trivedi et al, 2012).
Research Highlights
Though clinical trials are required to confirm links with health conditions, the following is established:
• BCM-7 has the potential to bind opioid receptors expressed in cells throughout the body, including digestive, immune and neurological
• BCM-7 has been observed to be produced, absorbed and circulated in some humans, particularly infants
• Emerging research links BCM-7 to adverse effects on infant development and health, and intolerance type reactions in adults
• Recently a mechanism by which BCM-7 triggers oxidative stress in cells leading to changes in short and long term function was demonstrated
Devil in the Milk….?

Jersey cow produces A1 Milk
Angel in the Milk…?

Indian cow produces A2 milk .Export potential …!!!
We, at the Go Desi – GIR Cow farm follow superior standards in making a product that is pure and naturally produced. We strongly proclaim that we DO NOT use any hazardous chemicals to our cattle. We strive to deliver the goodness of milk in its best natural state. Also, our GIR Breed of cattle are highly disease resistant and are able to produce high quality milk.
We are one of the very few natural “GIR COW A2 PURE RAW MILK” producers in Hyderabad. For ordering this pure desi Gir cow A2 milk you can call/ whatsapp at: +91-9573900667 / +91-7207887740 /+91-9000008303. For more info contact us.